Emberlite Fox Carving~CREMFOXC
Emberlite Fox Carving~CREMFOXC. Fox is a master at the art of camouflage. The Fox's ability to meld into one's surroundings and be unnoticed is a powerful gift when one is observing the activities of others. This allows it to be the protector of the family unit. If danger arises, Fox is johnny-on-the-spot. Great Spirit has honored Fox with the duty of keeping the family together and safe. Fox accomplishes this through the ability to observe undetected, without making others self-conscious. Fox is always concerned with the safety of family members and is an excellent tailsman for those who travel. Like all members of the canine family, they make exceptional parents. The fox's keen sight and hearing make it an excellent predator. Its tail serves as a balancing device when it stands on its hind legs to peer over the tall grass in search of a mouse, gopher, or field rat. It is a survivor, able to exist in the unpopulated countryside. Fox medicine involves adaptablility, cunning, observation, integration, and swiftness of thought and action. These traits may also include quick decisiveness, and sure-footedness in the physical world. Its keen eyesight also has the ability to see movement and objects on the very edges of the field of vision. Those with active fox medicine can often see Spirit, and the beings "between worlds". If this is an ability that you'd like to develop, practice at twilight and call upon fox energy to help you. With fox's super-sensitive hearing, you may also be able to hear Spirit. Emberlite is considered a stone of "tough love”, connects the heart with sane, sound, logical reasoning & decision making, encourages being true to self & standing up for your beliefs, helps to eliminate confusion, & to make one adaptable to each situation, excellent stone for use in groups; it provides for fellowship, solidarity, & a commonality of goal and purpose, facilitates the manifestation of the qualities of companionship & mutual dependence, encouraging self-esteem, self trust & trust in others, can be used to enhance truthfulness in emotions, allowing one to both recognize & verbalize the true feelings, can provide one with access to the sacred laws of the universe, stimulates the Pineal Gland & the Third Eye, & deepens meditation, an aid to those studying symbolism & its role in the greater scheme, by helping one to become aware of the patterns that can occur over the course of one's life, & their meanings and purposes. Fluoresces under UV light. 40mm x 27mm x 27mm.