Smoky Citrine Crystal in Wood Stand~CRQCWS20
Smoky Citrine Crystal in Wood Stand~CRQCWS20. Smoky Citrine clears negativity and fear especially in regard to issues of money, prosperity, abundance, manifestation and intention . It is said to assist one in acquiring wealth, and maintaining the state of wealth. It activates, opens, and energizes the navel and solar plexus chakras, directing, via personal power, creativity, and intelligent decisiveness, the energy necessary to enhance the physical body. It stimulates both mental focus and endurance. It can help one to dispense with the fundamental level of fear. It further promotes a radiance from within the self, culminating in a more consistent happy disposition. It brightens even the darkest corner of ones perceived reality, and helps one to "laugh without restraint". It is an excellent stone for smoothing family or group problems and, subsequently, producing cohesiveness within the associative members. It is also wonderful for workers in the media and the arts, and is very good for automatic writing(where you ask a question and allow your hand to write freely, or write with your non-dominant hand). It reminds us that we are loved and supported by the Universe in our efforts towards manifestation. It is an excellent grounding stone, especially grounding out excess emotional energy in the solar plexus chakra. It helps one to be present in one’s body and the world. It transmutes negative energies in one’s environment, and is said to be protective from EMF's. It is a good stone for “keeping things clear” by purging the atmosphere of unspoken resentments or suppressed conflicts. It can help one feel more at home in the world and empowered in creating or changing one’s reality. 170mm x 78mm x 73mm
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