Shungite Skull~CRSHUNSK
Shungite Skull-Karelia, Russia~CRSHUNSK Shungite is unique in the world of natural minerals as it contains fullerenes, a special type of the molecular form of carbon. As evidence of the importance of fullerenes, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1996 awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor Robert F. Curl, Jr., Professor Sir Harold W. Kroto and Professor Richard E.Smalley for their discovery of fullerenes. Shungite is the only mineral known to contain fullerenes. Shungite resonates with the Wiccan faith and Earth energies. It is said to assist one in coming into resonance with the accelerated and increasing energies coming into the planet at this time. It is thought to be grounding, purifying and protective. Instead of representing death or loss, Skulls represents the important Buddhist concept of emptiness. In Buddhism, emptiness is considered to be a quality of the universe. This means that phenomena we experience has no inherent nature by itself; instead, we attach meaning to what we experience. It’s basically saying all events are neutral- but we choose to magnify them in our minds. They can also symbolize humility, reminding us that everything outside the skull is vanity. They can also represent humanity, unity, and diversity, because other than subtle differences and size, they are pretty much identical regardless, of age, sex, or race. 95mm x 75mm x 67mm
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