Iron/Nickel Sphere~CRIRONT2

$ 74.00

Iron/Nickel Sphere~CRIRONT2. Iron & Nickel Sphere (from near Mekong River, Tibetan Plateau, Tibet). While these are terrestrial based, the metal makeup mimics that of Iron/Nickel Meteorites. Natural Iron/Nickel is one of the most effective of all stones for grounding oneself in the body and in the physical world. It is helpful for balancing the auric field and aligning the chakras. It grounds and connects one to the Soul of the Earth. It helps those who are impatient for spiritual growth and so focus more on the outcome than the process. It carries “Monk” energy, assisting one in finding the spiritual in even the most mundane tasks and repetitive routines. It is said to be a stone of mental clarity, as it grounds out scattered energies, thoughts and negativity. Can assist one in gaining wisdom from experiences, rather than wallowing in difficulties. It helps one “sort things out”, improves memory, assists original thinking, calming, encourages one to “reach for the sun”, reminds one that the only limitations are within ones own mind, dissolves negativity, facilitates self-control & inner peace, said to attract “kind love”, grounding, assists meditation. 68mm Over 1.5 pounds.

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