Green Tourmaline, Mica & Smoky Quartz~CRGTMQ06

$ 20.00

Green Tourmaline, Mica & Smoky Quartz~Mt. Mica, Maine. CRGTMQ06. Green tourmaline opens the heart chakra and promotes compassion, tenderness, patience, and a sense of belonging. Its masculine energy makes it useful for healing "father issues". It rejuvenates and balances, inspires creativity, and assists one in seeing all possible solutions to situation and to select the most constructive. It helps quiet the mind and aids restful sleep. It acts to attract success, prosperity, and abundance. This mineral diminishes fear and encourages self­-confidence. Shamans have used it to promote the awakening from the dream of illusion and to promote the experience of the self as a part of the universal spirit. It can help one to become less inhibited and more expressive. It is useful in countering fear of change. Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone, it helps one to be present in one’s body and the world. It transmutes negative energies in one’s environment, and is said to be protective from EMF's. It is a good stone for “keeping things clear” by purging the atmosphere of unspoken resentments or suppressed conflicts. It can help one feel more at home in the world and empowered in creating or changing one’s reality. Mica provides us with reflective qualities so that we can recognize the flaws of our humanity while staying heart centered so that we can love what we see here. It helps us to see situations in complete detail, highlighting areas of the greatest importance. Mica is a wonderful energy to use when looking at yourself as it allows us to see that what you see in others is what you choose to see. 152mm x 85mm x 47mm

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