Fluorite Sea Serpent~CRFSEAS4
Small Fluorite Sea Serpent~CRFSEAS4. Purple Fluorite is said to be the most peace-giving color of Fluorite. It is dedicated to the devotional aspects of the mind that connect with Spirit. It enhances mental acuity, stimulating the Third Eye Chakra in order to bring a logical and conscious awareness of the mental processes and how one thinks. It is an excellent crystal for focused meditation and boosts one’s intuitive and psychic abilities. Purple Fluorite is a stone of protection, thought to become more protective the longer it is used, and is an ideal “Dream Crystal,” defending one from evil spirits and bad dreams. It emanates a marvelous energy throughout the light body relieving stress, spiritual discomfort, and physical blockages. Purple Fluorite is considered a highly therapeutic for those who are uncomfortable being touched or examined. Dark violet crystals are dream talismans, providing insight and giving us a window to the soul beyond ordinary understanding, not only the wisdom of self, but focuses on our feelings and understanding our hidden yearnings. Blue Fluorite opens channels of communication, both in this reality and between this plane and other worlds. It is wonderful for those having a hard time accepting the here and now to reach out to others. It softens dealings with those who are brutally honest, and in the workplace assists in communicating logical thoughts that move actions forward when people argue in circles. It enhances our spiritual awakening through its connection to the Third Eye Chakra. It heightens our intuition, clarity and focus. It has a calming, serene energy that stifles anxious and worrisome thoughts creating inner peace. It also enhances creativity by organizing all our different ideals into a more concise action plan, and assists well-ordered record-keeping. It is unique in that it is a duo-action crystal that can calm and subdue our mind or revitalize and energize us if needed. It inspires a sense of justice, and letting go of obsessions, frustrations and disappointments. It is an ideal stone for spiritual awakening and reprogramming karmic patterns. It heals soul fragmentation from the present or past lives, and aids cellular memory healing.