Second Sight~Judith Orloff, MD
Second Sight: An Intuitive Psychiatrist Tells Her Extraordinary Story & Shows You How To Tap Your Own Inner Wisdom (new edition)~Judith Orloff, MD-Paperback. In this compelling self-portrait, psychiatrist Dr. Judith Orloff explores the mysterious and little understood realm of intuition, based on her own experiences and those of her patients. In riveting detail, she describes how an ignored intuition of a patient’s suicide attempt convinced her to not only embrace her gift but to incorporate it into her medical practice. A classic in the mind-body-spirit category, Dr. Orloff as expanded her thinking about intuition and its role in maintaining physical health and emotional well-being since the book was first released. Dr. Orloff has written a new foreword, which shares fresh insights about her work and offers a truly integrative approach to medicine.